Maritime Traffic Safety Department

VTS Zatoka Gdanska

VTS Zatoka Gdanska - EN

VTS area

The area of VTS Zatoka Gdanska is limited by the external borders of the compulsory ship reporting system "GDANREP", defined by geographic coordinates (see the map):

a) 54 ° 45.00'N   018 ° 32.56'E
b) 54 ° 45.00'N   019 ° 06.10'E
c) 54 ° 36.20'N   019 ° 24.20'E
d) 54 ° 27.49'N   019 ° 38.30'E

Nautical map showing the traffic separation zones in the Bay of Gdańsk. The water area is blue, the land is yellow, traffic separation zones in purple
VTS Zatoka Gdańska - Traffic separation zones (source: Maritime Office in Gdynia)

VTS service

The VTS Zatoka Gdańska area is monitored by the VTS centre.

Supervision and control over compliance with VTS regulations is executed by the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia.

The duty team of the VTS centre includes a Senior VTS Operator and two VTS Operators. The personnel of the VTS centre has completed the basic course of the VTS Operator, confirmed by the local VTS Operator Certificates. The services of the VTS Zatoka Gdańska centre work around the clock (H24). The working language of the VTS centre is English and Polish.

In the area of ​​the ports and the roads of Gdynia and Gdańsk, the function of VTS is performed by the traffic services of the relevant Harbor Master's Office.

Duty service of the VTS ZATOKA GDAŃSKA Center (24/7):

VHF: 71
Phone: +48 58 355 3610
Mobile: +48 601 991 331
Satellite: +870 772 265 042
Fax: +48 58 620 5363; or +48 58 620 5328;

The vessel traffic rules specified below apply to all vessels in the VTS area in all visibility conditions:

In the VTS area, there are vessel's traffic separation systems "Zatoka Gdańska": (TSS) "EAST" and (TSS) "WEST", adopted in accordance with regulation 10 (Shipping routes) of Chapter V (Navigation Safety) of SOLAS 1974 Convention by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Vessels sailing from the Baltic Sea to the Port Pólnocny in Gdańsk and vice versa should use the traffic separation scheme "EAST".

Vessels sailing from the Baltic Sea to Nowy Port in Gdańsk and vice versa should use the north-eastern and south-western parts of the "WEST" traffic separation scheme.

Vessels sailing from the Baltic Sea to Gdynia and vice versa should use the north-eastern and western parts of the "WEST" traffic separation scheme.

Vessels approaching the precaution area and sailing within this area should exercise extreme caution and proceed in the recommended direction of traffic.

Vessels in international shipping sailing from Gdynia (port, roads) to Nowy Port in Gdańsk (port, roads) or in the opposite direction, should follow the recommended route of 343 ° - 163 ° established between the "GD" and "NP" buoys or use the appropriate lanes between the "GD", "GN" and "NP" buoys.

Vessels in international shipping sailing from the Port Północny in Gdańsk to the Nowy Port in Gdańsk (port, roads) or to Gdynia (port, roads) should, after disembarking the pilot at the "PP" buoy, heading north. After passing anchorage No. 5 for tankers, they should alter to course 314 ° and steer towards the "GN" buoy located in the precautionary area, alter heading at that buoy and continue on the correct traffic lane.

Vessels in international shipping sailing from the Nowy Port in Gdańsk (port, roads) or from Gdynia (port, roads) to the Port Północny in Gdańsk should proceed along the appropriate traffic lane to the precautionary area at the "GN" buoy, then they should alter to the course 134 ° and follow the recommended line in the direction of the "ZS" buoy. After passing anchorage 5 for tankers, they should alter the course south towards the pilot position located at the "PP" buoy.

Vessels during sea trials in the VTS area should avoid entering traffic separation systems and maneuver in a place indicated by the VTS centre.

The inshore traffic zone may be used by: sailing vessels, vessels engaged in fishing, vessels en route to or from a port or anchorage within the inshore traffic zone, and vessels less than 20 meters in length.

Vessels engaged in fishing should not obstruct the passage of any vessel following the traffic separation scheme (COLREG Rule 10-i). Vessels are prohibited from deploying fishing gear within the boundary of traffic separation schemes and within 150 m of the boundary of traffic separation schemes, fairways, roads or anchorages. All fishing gear set up in the VTS area must be marked to comply with separate regulations (see eg Sailing Directions - Locja Bałtyku - Wybrzeże Polskie 502).

A vessel restricted in her maneuverability when she is engaged within traffic separation schemes with hydrographic, research, underwater, hydrotechnical, dredging, laying, servicing or lifting of cables, pipelines or navigational markings activity is released from compliance with the above traffic regulations to the extent that it is necessary for the performance of these activities. Such a vessel is obliged to submit additional appropriate special reports (SR). For details - see nautical publications, e.g. Lista Radiostacji nautycznych - 530.

Any operations related to the landing, maneuvering or take-off of seaplanes in the VTS area may only take place after a prior traffic permission issued by the VTS centre.

No vessels are allowed to enter the areas closed to shipping and fishing. The periods of closing the zones closed to shipping and fishery are announced in the Navigation Warnings broadcast by the VTS information service and at the request of users. The boundaries of zones periodically closed to shipping and fishing are published on nautical charts and in Notices to Mariners (Wiadomości Żeglarskie).

Notwithstanding the above regulations, in the event of a serious maritime accident or to ensure the safety and security of navigation, safety of life at sea or environmental protection, the VTS centre may temporarily change the traffic organization specified in these regulations and declare any zone in the VTS area as an Excluded Zone for Shipping.

Each vessel that was in the Exclusion Zone for Shipping at the time of announcement of the Exclusion Zone for Shipping and is not involved in the action related to the accident, is obliged to immediately leave the Exclusion Zone for Shipping at the request of the VTS centre.

The Exclusion Zone for Shipping is announced by the VTS centre on the VTS working channel (VHF channel 71) and, if no time limits are specified, is valid until further notice.


  • 2. IMO MSC.249(83) - VTS Zatoka Gdanska

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  • Author
    Michał Tomczyk
  • Creation date
    22 November 2021
  • Modified
    22 October 2024 by Michał Tomczyk