Statement on the accessibility
- 22 November 2021
Statement on the accessibility
The Maritime Office in Gdynia undertakes to ensure the accessibility of the website pursuant to the Act of 4 April 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Public Entities’ Websites and Mobile Applications. This statement on accessibility applies to the website of the Maritime Office in Gdynia.
Date of website publication: 2014-09-01.
Date of last significant update: 2022-03-30.
This website is partially compliant to the Act of 4 April 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Public Entities’ Websites and Mobile Applications due to the compliance shortcomings listed below:
- Some documents may not meet the guidelines of the WCAG 2.1 standard – Some documents were published before publication of the website pursuant to the Act of 4 April 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Public Entities’ Websites and Mobile Applications. Other documents will be adjusted to the requirements of the Act or removed from the website. Substantive units responsible for individual content undertake intensive activities in this matter.
- Apart from the above the website of the Maritime Office in Gdynia meets the requirements of the WCAG 2.1 standard at a level consistent with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites by mobile applications and public entities
Date the statement was drawn up: 2022-03-30. The statement was drawn up on the basis of a self-assessment conducted by the public entity.
Standard browser keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.
- In addition, the following keyboard shortcuts can be used:
- Tab: Navigation to links and form fields.
- Shift + Tab: Navigation backwards to links and form fields.
- Enter: Activate links and buttons.
- Space: Activate checkboxes and buttons.
- Arrow keys: Selection of radio fields, selection menu options, sliders, tab panels, autocomplete, tree menu, etc.
Feedback and contact details
In the event you experience problems accessing the website, please contact us. The person responsible is Michał Cudziło, You can also contact us by calling 583553772. In the same way, you can submit requests for access to unavailable information and submit complaints about the lack of availability.
Everyone is entitled to request digital access to the website, mobile application or any element thereof. You may also request that information be made available in alternative forms, such as the reading of a digitally unavailable document, a description of the content of a film that lacks an audio description etc. The request should contain the data of the person submitting the request, indication of the website or mobile application in question and the method of contact. If the requesting party expresses the need to receive information in an alternative form, this person should also specify the desired form of the information.
The public entity should fulfil the request immediately, no later than within 7 days. If meeting this deadline proves to be impossible, the public entity shall immediately inform the requesting party about when it can fulfil the request, which may not be longer than 2 months from this time. If providing accessibility is not possible, the public entity may propose an alternative means of accessing the information.
In the event that the public entity refuses to comply with the request to ensure the accessibility or some means of alternative access to requested information, a complaint may be filed. After all other possibilities have been exhausted, a complaint may also be sent to the Commissioner for Human Rights.
Architectural accessibility
Headquaters of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, ul. Chrzanowskiego 10
- Entrances to the building for people with special needs are located from the car park. In front of the barrier, at the entrance to the car park, there is an intercom enabling contact with the porter’s lodge, the porter notifies the WAG employee who takes care of the person with special needs, introduces them to the building and directs them to the appropriate branch.
- Entrance to the building on the ground floor – using a platform for people with special needs.
- Entrance to the building on the first floor using a passenger lift at building B of the Maritime Office in Gdynia Headquarters.
Access to the lift and platform is from the parking level.
- A door with a minimum width of 90 cm leads to the building. The entire ground floor and first floor are wheelchair accessible, the corridors are wide and the doors have min. 90cm.
- In the building in the customer service office there is an induction loop for the deaf and hard of hearing. No contrasting or Braille markings for the blind and visually impaired. There is no toilet for the disabled.
- There is a separate parking space for the disabled in the car park, in the vicinity of the platform.
- Information on the rules of admission with an assistance dog can be found on the Office’s website.
- It is possible to use a Polish sign language interpreter online.
Creation date22 November 2021
Modified15 June 2023 by admin